Zodiak Inc. & Zodiak Services

Run a business. Understand how your actions impact daily outcomes.

Trading companies, manufacturers (INC), banks, insurance companies, consulting firms, and other service organizations (SERVICES) face unique challenges, including how to manage multiple service lines, attract and retain top talent, increase revenue, and contain costs. This is a balancing act made more sustainable with strong business acumen skills.
Zodiak allows learners to experience the financial and strategic determinants of organizational success. Through discovery learning, participants experience how their everyday decisions contribute to the organization’s top and bottom lines.
Delegates are immersed in a storyline that introduces business acumen concepts in a hands-on, visual setting (tailored to multiple learning styles). As small teams of delegates become new owners of the struggling Zodiak company, they take out loans, attract investors, analyze staffing, invest in development and innovation, and improve customer service processes to increase retention.
A highly engaging sector-specific simulation that develops business and financial acumen.
This simulation helps you develop a deeper understanding of how day-to-day decisions impact organization’s success and vice-versa.
All supervisors and managers
- How individual actions contribute to – or detract from – the bottom line and the business objectives and strategy - The relationship between the flow of business and how to measure business success - How to construct and interpret basic financial statements - Common financial terms: revenue, EBIT, assets, liabilities, cash flow, etc. - The relationship between profit and cash - How strategic initiatives impact the bottom line and describe “shareholder value” - The importance of monitoring and managing cash flow - How to compute and analyze key financial measures/ratios: ROE, ROA, ROS, GPM - How to recognize and define company-specific financial terms and measurements