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Strategic Selling with Perspective

Run a business,
link strategy & finance

For more than 40 years, Strategic Selling has helped sellers win more deals faster. With the addition of Perspective, Strategic Selling with Perspective, is the strongest selling process available.


In a world of rapidly changing buyer expectations, your selling teams need to provide insight and value through Perspective in a strategic way. Create a path for your strategy to fuel action in complex sales cycles.

The Blue Sheet is a gold-standard, repeatable, manageable, sequential and consistent sales process and strategic analysis framework for complex sales opportunities which is used to develop winning sales strategies. The program duration is 2 days.


Win faster, secure better and bigger deals, and manage your sales funnel by allocating resources, time and money when and where needed.


- All sales leaders - All salespeople - Sales support


- Uncover information about all stakeholders involved in a buying decision - Find appropriate ways to provide value and perspective to each stakeholder in a sale - Identify and develop Coaches - Identify the competitive alternatives at play - Overcome challenges to reaching and building credibility with key players - Apply the Win fast/Lose fast criteria to sales opportunities - Align the selling process steps to the customer’s buying process steps - Optimize selling time - Allocate adequate time to keeping the sales funnel healthy - List appropriate actions that minimize or eliminate Red Flags - Describe actions to leverage Strengths in a sales opportunity - Define the specifics of the sale - Synthesize key collected information into a set of possible actions to move the sale forward


Our Upcoming Workshops

Dubai, UAE

Thursday-Friday 15-16 August 2024

Shorten sales cycles, increase revenues & profits, meet customer expectations. Manage complex sales opportunities.

Strategic Selling
with Perspective

Dubai, UAE

Thursday-Friday 12-13 September 2024

Shorten sales cycles, increase revenues & profits, meet customer expectations. Manage complex sales opportunities.

Strategic Selling
with Perspective

Dubai, UAE

Thursday-Friday 17-18 October 2024

Shorten sales cycles, increase revenues & profits, meet customer expectations. Manage complex sales opportunities.

Strategic Selling
with Perspective

Dubai, UAE

Thursday-Friday 14-15 November 2024

Shorten sales cycles, increase revenues & profits, meet customer expectations. Manage complex sales opportunities.

Strategic Selling
with Perspective

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